Your order will be shipped from Singapore using our trusted delivery couriers, and we aim to ship out all orders within 2 business days, i.e. not counting weekends or public holidays.

For more information on shipping, please see our Shipping page.

Submitted orders cannot be modified through the website. If you wish to make changes to your order, please email us as soon as possible at sales@thepack.sg with your order number and the changes you wish to make, and we will try our best to facilitate your request.

All orders shipped by us will have a tracking number, and details will be sent to you once the order has been processed.

We want you to enjoy our products as much as we do. As such, should you believe that you have the wrong size, you are welcome to exchange it for another.

Please refer to our Returns & Exchange policy for more details.

A well-fitted bike jersey helps to enhance your cycling experience. While there is nothing wrong with a normal exercise t-shirt, our jerseys are specially designed to wick sweat away quickly and with the three rear pockets, you will also have ample space to store your nutrition, money, phone, etc.

In addition, a well-fitted jersey is more aerodynamic which results in less drag while you are cycling, allowing you to go faster and further with the same amount of effort.

The chamois padding of bib shorts or cycling shorts help to absorb bumps and vibrations of the road, making cycling far more comfortable and enjoyable versus normal exercise tights.

As for bib shorts, they are a whole different level compared to ordinary waistband cycling shorts. The bib straps are far more comfortable than an elastic waist band and also does not stiffen and lose elasticity over time. They also ensure that the padding of the shorts stay securely in place throughout your entire ride - regardless if you are climbing out of the saddle or tucked in an aero position. This in turn prevents saddle sores or abrasions, enabling you to ride faster and longer.

Compared to normal cotton socks, the fabric of our Aero Socks aim to ease the air flow around your legs which decreases air resistance and therefore reducing the amount of power required to maintain the same speed.

Yes! You can visit our Vamos Bike Store to try on our products in person! Please note that they may not have stock of the full range of our products, so you may wish to check in with them before heading down! As always, you're also more than welcome to reach out to us via email at sales@thepack.sg or through our Contact Form for a size recommendation.

Crashing while cycling, simply sucks. There's no way around it. And we know from personal experience how frustrating and painful it is. As such, we'll like to make the experience less painful for you. We'll give you a discount regardless of what apparel you're wearing when you crash. Even if it's from another brand!

Please refer to our Crash Replacement page for more details.

Should you have other questions, please feel free to contact us directly via email at sales@thepack.sg or through our Contact Form.